How to Create a QR Code Scanner Mobile App in Java That Will Start a New Activity After 15 Minutes by Scanning the QR Code?

BarcodeBC > Articles > How to Create a QR Code Scanner Mobile App in Java That Will Start a New Activity After 15 Minutes by Scanning the QR Code?

Create Such a QR Code Scanner Mobile App in Java

To create a QR code scanner mobile app in Java that starts a new activity after 15 minutes of scanning the QR code, you will need to use a few different Android components, such as the Camera API, the ZXing library to scan QR codes, and a Timer to keep track of the 15-minute time limit. Here are the basic steps to achieve this.

1. Create a new Android project in Android Studio.

2. Add the ZXing library as a dependency in your project. You can add it to your build.gradle file using the following code.

implementation 'com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:3.6.0'
implementation ''

3. Create a new ScannerActivity class that extends AppCompatActivity.

4. In the onCreate method of the ScannerActivity class, initialize the BarcodeView from the ZXing library, and set it as the content view of the activity. You can also set the camera permissions in this method.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    BarcodeView barcodeView = findViewById(;
    barcodeView.decodeSingle(new BarcodeCallback() {
        public void barcodeResult(BarcodeResult result) {
            // Handle the scanned QR code here

        public void possibleResultPoints(List<ResultPoint> resultPoints) {

5. Handle the scanned QR code in the barcodeResult method. If the scanned QR code is valid, start a new CountDownTimer that will start a new activity after 15 minutes. Here's an example of how to do this.

public void barcodeResult(BarcodeResult result) {
    String scannedText = result.getText();
    if (isValidQRCode(scannedText)) {
        new CountDownTimer(900000, 1000) { // 15 minutes = 900000 milliseconds
            public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {

            public void onFinish() {
                Intent intent = new Intent(ScannerActivity.this, NewActivity.class);

private boolean isValidQRCode(String scannedText) {
    // Add your code to validate the scanned QR code here
    return true;

In this example, we start a new CountDownTimer with a duration of 15 minutes, and when the timer finishes, we start a new activity using an Intent.

6. Add the NewActivity class, which will be started after 15 minutes. You can add any desired functionality to this activity.

That's it! You now have a QR code scanner mobile app in Java that starts a new activity after 15 minutes of scanning the QR code.

How to Create an Android QR Code Scanner?

To create an Android QR Code scanner, you can use the ZXing library, which is a widely-used open-source library for scanning and generating barcodes and QR codes. Here are the basic steps to create an Android QR Code scanner using the ZXing library.

1. Create a new Android project in Android Studio.

2. Add the ZXing library as a dependency in your project. You can add it to your build.gradle file using the following code.

implementation 'com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:3.6.0'
implementation ''

3. Create a new ScannerActivity class that extends AppCompatActivity.

4. In the onCreate method of the ScannerActivity class, initialize the BarcodeView from the ZXing library, and set it as the content view of the activity. You can also set the camera permissions in this method.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    BarcodeView barcodeView = findViewById(;
    barcodeView.decodeSingle(new BarcodeCallback() {
        public void barcodeResult(BarcodeResult result) {
            // Handle the scanned QR code here

        public void possibleResultPoints(List<ResultPoint>> resultPoints) {

5. Handle the scanned QR code in the barcodeResult method. In this method, you can get the scanned text from the result.getText() method.

public void barcodeResult(BarcodeResult result) {
    String scannedText = result.getText();
    // Do something with the scanned text here

You can use the scannedText variable to perform any actions that you want, such as sending an HTTP request to a server, or starting a new activity.

6. Start the camera preview in the onResume method of the ScannerActivity class.

protected void onResume() {
    BarcodeView barcodeView = findViewById(;

7. Stop the camera preview in the onPause method of the ScannerActivity class.

protected void onPause() {
    BarcodeView barcodeView = findViewById(;

That's it! You now have a functional QR Code scanner in your Android app. You can customize the look and feel of the scanner using the methods provided by the ZXing library, such as setting the status text, configuring the camera settings, and more.

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