BarcodeBC > Articles > How to Decode a QR Code Using Python Libraries: Open CV and Pyzbar?
To decode a QR Code using OpenCV, you can use the cv2.QRCodeDetector() class, which is a built-in QR Code detector provided by OpenCV. Here's an example script.
import cv2 # Load the input image image = cv2.imread("qr_code.png") # Create a QR Code detector object qr_detector = cv2.QRCodeDetector() # Detect and decode the QR Code data, bbox, _ = qr_detector.detectAndDecode(image) # Print the decoded data print("QR Code Data:", data)
In this example, we first load the input image using the OpenCV imread() function. We then create a QRCodeDetector() object and pass the input image to its detectAndDecode() method, which returns the decoded data as a string, the bounding box coordinates of the QR Code, and the image where the QR Code was detected.
We then print the decoded data using the print() function. Note that the detectAndDecode() method can return an empty string if no QR Code was detected in the image, so you should check for this condition before using the decoded data.
It's also worth noting that the cv2.QRCodeDetector() class is only available in OpenCV 4.1.0 and later versions, so make sure you have the correct version installed.
If you are using OpenCV to decode a QR Code and you are getting an empty string, there are several things you can try to solve the problem.
1. Check that the QR Code is visible in the input image: Make sure that the QR Code is visible and not obstructed in the input image. If the QR Code is not visible, the detectAndDecode() method will not be able to decode it.
2. Preprocess the image: In some cases, the input image may need to be preprocessed to improve the detection and decoding of the QR Code. You can try applying image processing techniques such as thresholding, filtering, or morphological operations to improve the detection of the QR Code.
3. Adjust the parameters of the QR Code detector: The detectAndDecode() method has several optional parameters that can be adjusted to improve the detection and decoding of the QR Code. For example, you can try adjusting the scaleFactor, minSize, or maxSize parameters to change the size of the QR Code that the detector looks for.
4. Try a different QR Code detector: If none of the above solutions work, you can try using a different QR Code detection and decoding library, such as ZBar or PyQRCode.
5. Ensure OpenCV version compatibility: Make sure that you are using OpenCV 4.1.0 or later, as the cv2.QRCodeDetector() class is only available in these versions.
By trying these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue of getting an empty string when decoding a QR Code using OpenCV. provides mature .NET SDKs for barcode reading and decoding. If interested, you may see .NET Barcode Reader SDK for Images and .NET Barcode Reader SDK for PDF Documents.
To decode a QR Code using Python, you can use the pyzbar library, which is a Python wrapper for the ZBar barcode library. Here's an example script.
import cv2 from pyzbar import pyzbar # Load the input image image = cv2.imread("qr_code.png") # Decode the QR Code qr_codes = pyzbar.decode(image) # Loop over the detected QR Codes for qr_code in qr_codes: # Extract the QR Code's data data ="utf-8") print("QR Code Data:", data)
In this example, we first load the input image using the OpenCV imread() function. We then pass the image to the pyzbar.decode() function, which returns a list of QR Code objects found in the image.
We then loop over the detected QR Codes and extract the data using the data attribute of the QR Code object. Finally, we decode the data using the decode() method with the UTF-8 encoding, since QR Codes typically encode text in this format.
Note that you'll need to install the pyzbar library first using a package manager like pip.
If you are using Pyzbar to decode a QR Code and you are getting an empty string, there are several things you can try to solve the problem.
1. Check that the QR Code is visible in the input image: Make sure that the QR Code is visible and not obstructed in the input image. If the QR Code is not visible, the decode() method will not be able to decode it.
2. Preprocess the image: In some cases, the input image may need to be preprocessed to improve the decoding of the QR Code. You can try applying image processing techniques such as thresholding, filtering, or morphological operations to improve the decoding of the QR Code.
3. Adjust the parameters of the decoder: The decode() method has several optional parameters that can be adjusted to improve the decoding of the QR Code. For example, you can try adjusting the symbols parameter to change the type of symbols that the decoder looks for.
4. Try a different QR Code decoder: If none of the above solutions work, you can try using a different QR Code decoding library, such as ZBar or OpenCV QR Code decoder.
By trying these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue of getting an empty string when decoding a QR Code using Pyzbar.