How to Generate QR Codes that Store the Content of an HTML Page, and Show the Contents When Scanned?

BarcodeBC > Articles > How to Generate QR Codes that Store the Content of an HTML Page, and Show the Contents When Scanned?

This article illustrates how to generate a QR Code that stores the content of an HTML page and show different messages when the QR Code is scanned for the first and second time.

How to Generate QR Codes that Store the Content of an HTML Page?

To generate a QR Code that stores the content of an HTML page, you can use a QR Code generator library like our NetBarcodeGenerator.Qrcode. And then, download a free trial and follow the steps below.

1. First, you need to get the HTML content of the page you want to encode. You can use a library like Requests in Python to make an HTTP request to the page and get the HTML content. Here's an C# example.

using System.Net;

var client = new WebClient();
string htmlContent = client.DownloadString("");

2. Next, you can use the NetBarcodeGenerator.Qrcode library to encode the HTML content into a QR Code. Here's an C# example.

using BC.AspNetBarcodeGeneratorTrial.Qrcode;

string htmlContent = "<html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1></body></html>";
Qrcode qrCode = new Qrcode();
qrCode.SetData = htmlContent;

This code will generate a QR Code that stores the HTML content in the htmlContent variable and save it to a file named qrcode.png.

How to Show QR Code(s) Contents When Scanned?

1. To show different messages depending on whether the QR Code has been scanned before or not, you can generate a unique URL for each QR Code and redirect to a different page the first time the URL is accessed. You can use a database or file system to keep track of which URLs have been accessed before. Here's an C# example.

using BC.AspNetBarcodeGeneratorTrial.Qrcode;

string htmlContent = "<html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1></body></html>";

// Generate a unique URL for this QR Code
string url = "";

// Check if the URL has been accessed before
if (!CheckIfUrlHasBeenAccessed(url)) {
    // Redirect to a different page the first time the URL is accessed
    url = "";

Qrcode qrCode = new Qrcode();
qrCode.SetData = url;

This code will generate a QR Code that stores a unique URL for each QR Code and redirect to a different page the first time the URL is accessed. The CheckIfUrlHasBeenAccessed function can use a database or file system to check if the URL has been accessed before.

2. To generate multiple QR Codes that show different messages, you can generate a unique URL for each QR Code and include a parameter in the URL that identifies which message to show. Here's an C# example.

using BC.AspNetBarcodeGeneratorTrial.Qrcode;

string htmlContent = "<html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1></body></html>";

// Generate a unique URL for each QR Code
string url1 = "";
string url2 = "";

Qrcode qrCode1 = new Qrcode();
qrCode1.SetData = url1;

Qrcode qrCode2 = new Qrcode();
qrCode2.SetData = url2;

This code will generate two QR Codes that show different messages. The url1 and url2 variables contain unique URLs for each QR Code with a parameter that identifies which message to show.

If you also need to generate other 2D and linear barcodes for .NET, .NET Core, and .NET PDF applications, please use our BC.NetBarcodeGenerator.All, BC.NetCoreBarcodeGenerator.All, and BC.NetPdfBarcodeGenerator.All.